Holy Dog, I have a new blog!... and its AMAZING!
Now lets make this crystal clear, I didn't "re-do" my blog or "re-vamp" the blog, I trashed my old blog to the dumpster bin of the World Wide Web. Yes, you heard me right. I took my old blog and threw it into the trash.
Why did I do that you may ask, because my old blog STUNK! (Picture for reference.) I had been thinking for months on how I hated my blog and when I felt like the time was 'right' I would pay someone to re-do it. [and say goodbye to a million dollars in my bank account]. I am proud to say that I made myself a new blog all by myself, in one day! That's a feat you guys! It's moments like these that I thank the good Lord that I work in the Tech industry.
It was dark and dingy with nothing aesthetically pleasing to it. It threw me off on all levels.
Because of this misfortune, I never wanted to write a blog, so I didn't.... That made me feel like a super fantastic blogger by the way. I hope you read that in all sarcasm.
And now here we are! With a new shiny blog!
Guys, I am in LOVE!
Please take a look around!
What do you think about my new blog? I know there's always room for improvement. Let me know in the comments below.
I love the format of your new blog! :) This one is bright and cheery! :)